golang 源碼分析:cayley-6-

          接着分析 memstore 中索引的具體實現,它的 B + 樹不是自己實現的,而是引用了一個第三方包,首先我們看下 gen.go,它裏面其實是運行來 Makefile 命令

package memstore
//go:generate make specify

        Makefile 文件中下載了實現了 B + 樹的包 https://github.com/cznic/b,然後通過正則對其中的 interface 替換成了 int64.

git clone https://github.com/cznic/b
cd b && git checkout $(pinned)
@sed -e 's|interface{}[^{]*/\*K\*/|int64|g' -e 's|interface{}[^{]*/\*V\*/|\*primitive|g' b/btree.go >keys.go

把 b + 樹代碼複製到 keys.go 文件裏

// Keys and their associated values are interface{} typed, similar to all of
// the containers in the standard library.
      $ make generic
// This command will write to stdout a version of the btree.go file where
// every key type occurrence is replaced by the word 'key' (written in all
// CAPS) and every value type occurrence is replaced by the word 'value'
// (written in all CAPS). Then you have to replace these tokens with your
// desired type(s), using any technique you're comfortable with.

quadstore.go 中對索引定義如下:

type QuadDirectionIndex struct {
  index [4]map[int64]*Tree

四元祖對應了 4 個 b + 樹

func NewQuadDirectionIndex() QuadDirectionIndex {
  return QuadDirectionIndex{[...]map[int64]*Tree{
    quad.Subject - 1:   make(map[int64]*Tree),
    quad.Predicate - 1: make(map[int64]*Tree),
    quad.Object - 1:    make(map[int64]*Tree),
    quad.Label - 1:     make(map[int64]*Tree),
func (qdi QuadDirectionIndex) Tree(d quad.Direction, id int64) *Tree {
  tree, ok := qdi.index[d-1][id]
  if !ok {
      tree = TreeNew(cmp)
    qdi.index[d-1][id] = tree
    func (qdi QuadDirectionIndex) Get(d quad.Direction, id int64) (*Tree, bool) {
type primitive struct {
  ID    int64
  Quad  internalQuad
  Value quad.Value
  refs  int
type internalQuad struct {
  S, P, O, L int64
func (q *internalQuad) SetDir(d quad.Direction, n int64) {
func (q internalQuad) Dir(d quad.Direction) int64 {

具體 quadstore 定義如下:

type QuadStore struct {
  last int64
  // TODO: string -> quad.Value once Raw -> typed resolution is unnecessary
  vals    map[string]int64
  quads   map[internalQuad]int64
  prim    map[int64]*primitive
  all     []*primitive // might not be sorted by id
  reading bool         // someone else might be reading "all" slice - next insert/delete should clone it
  index   QuadDirectionIndex
  horizon int64 // used only to assign ids to tx
  // vip_index map[string]map[int64]map[string]map[int64]*b.Tree
func New(quads ...quad.Quad) *QuadStore {
  qs := newQuadStore()
  for _, q := range quads {
func newQuadStore() *QuadStore {
  return &QuadStore{
    vals:  make(map[string]int64),
    quads: make(map[internalQuad]int64),
    prim:  make(map[int64]*primitive),
    index: NewQuadDirectionIndex(),
func (qs *QuadStore) addPrimitive(p *primitive) int64 {
  id := qs.last
  p.ID = id
  p.refs = 1
func (qs *QuadStore) appendPrimitive(p *primitive) {
const internalBNodePrefix = "memnode"
func (qs *QuadStore) resolveVal(v quad.Value, add bool) (int64, bool) {
func (qs *QuadStore) resolveQuad(q quad.Quad, add bool) (internalQuad, bool) {
func (qs *QuadStore) lookupVal(id int64) quad.Value {
      return quad.BNode(internalBNodePrefix + strconv.FormatInt(id, 10))
func (qs *QuadStore) lookupQuadDirs(p internalQuad) quad.Quad {
func (qs *QuadStore) indexesForQuad(q internalQuad) []*Tree {
func (qs *QuadStore) AddQuad(q quad.Quad) (int64, bool) {

writer 定義瞭如何寫入

type quadWriter struct {
  qs *QuadStore
func (qs *QuadStore) deleteQuadNodes(q internalQuad) {
  for dir := quad.Subject; dir <= quad.Label; dir++ {


func (qs *QuadStore) ApplyDeltas(deltas []graph.Delta, ignoreOpts graph.IgnoreOpts) error {
func (qs *QuadStore) quad(v graph.Ref) (q internalQuad, ok bool) {
  switch v := v.(type) {
  case bnode:
    p := qs.prim[int64(v)]
func (qs *QuadStore) QuadIterator(d quad.Direction, value graph.Ref) graph.Iterator {
  id, ok := asID(value)
func (qs *QuadStore) QuadIteratorSize(ctx context.Context, d quad.Direction, v graph.Ref) (graph.Size, error) {
  id, ok := asID(v)

類似 mysql 的分析器,也會統計四元祖的一些信息

func (qs *QuadStore) Stats(ctx context.Context, exact bool) (graph.Stats, error) {
  return graph.Stats{
    Nodes: graph.Size{

iterator.go 裏定義了迭代器,是 cayley 圖數據庫的核心

var _ graph.Iterator = &Iterator{}
type Iterator struct {
  it *iterator2
func NewIterator(tree *Tree, qs *QuadStore, d quad.Direction, value int64) *Iterator {
  it := &Iterator{
    it: newIterator(tree, qs, d, value),
  it.Iterator = graph.NewLegacy(it.it, it)
var _ graph.IteratorShapeCompat = &iterator2{}
type iterator2 struct {
  qs    *QuadStore
  tree  *Tree
  d     quad.Direction
  value int64
func newIterator(tree *Tree, qs *QuadStore, d quad.Direction, value int64) *iterator2 {
func (it *iterator2) Iterate() graph.Scanner {
  // TODO(dennwc): it doesn't check the direction and value, while Contains does; is it expected?
  return newIteratorNext(it.tree, it.qs, it.d)

LookUp 函數里面會調用 contains 接口,這個接口會加載滿足條件的四元祖

func (it *iterator2) Lookup() graph.Index {
  return newIteratorContains(it.tree, it.qs, it.d, it.value)
func (it *iterator2) AsLegacy() graph.Iterator {
  it2 := &Iterator{it: it}
  it2.Iterator = graph.NewLegacy(it, it2)
func (it *iterator2) Stats(ctx context.Context) (graph.IteratorCosts, error) {
  return graph.IteratorCosts{
type iteratorNext struct {
  nodes bool
  qs    *QuadStore
  tree  *Tree
  d     quad.Direction
  iter *Enumerator
  cur  *primitive
  err  error
func newIteratorNext(tree *Tree, qs *QuadStore, d quad.Direction) *iteratorNext {
  return &iteratorNext{

next 會查找下一組節點:

func (it *iteratorNext) Next(ctx context.Context) bool {
  if it.iter == nil {
    it.iter, it.err = it.tree.SeekFirst()
      for {
    _, p, err := it.iter.Next()
type iteratorContains struct {
  nodes bool
  qs    *QuadStore
  tree  *Tree
  cur *primitive
  d     quad.Direction
  value int64
func newIteratorContains(tree *Tree, qs *QuadStore, d quad.Direction, value int64) *iteratorContains {
func (it *iteratorContains) Contains(ctx context.Context, v graph.Ref) bool {


var _ graph.IteratorFuture = (*AllIterator)(nil)
type AllIterator struct {
  it *allIterator
func newAllIterator(qs *QuadStore, nodes bool, maxid int64) *AllIterator {
        it := &AllIterator{
    it: newAllIterator2(qs, nodes, maxid),
      it.Iterator = graph.NewLegacy(it.it, it)
func (it *AllIterator) AsShape() graph.IteratorShape {
var _ graph.IteratorShape = (*allIterator)(nil)
type allIterator struct {
  qs    *QuadStore
  all   []*primitive
  maxid int64 // id of last observed insert (prim id)
  nodes bool
func newAllIterator2(qs *QuadStore, nodes bool, maxid int64) *allIterator {
func (it *allIterator) Iterate() graph.Scanner {
      return newAllIteratorNext(it.qs, it.nodes, it.maxid, it.all)
func (it *allIterator) Lookup() graph.Index {
func (it *allIterator) AsLegacy() graph.Iterator {


func (it *allIterator) SubIterators() []graph.IteratorShape { return nil }
func (it *allIterator) Optimize(ctx context.Context) (graph.IteratorShape, bool) {
func (it *allIterator) String() string {
func (it *allIterator) Stats(ctx context.Context) (graph.IteratorCosts, error) {
func (p *primitive) filter(isNode bool, maxid int64) bool {
type allIteratorNext struct {
  qs    *QuadStore
  all   []*primitive
  maxid int64 // id of last observed insert (prim id)
  nodes bool
  i    int // index into qs.all
  cur  *primitive
  done bool
func newAllIteratorNext(qs *QuadStore, nodes bool, maxid int64, all []*primitive) *allIteratorNext {
func (it *allIteratorNext) ok(p *primitive) bool {
  return p.filter(it.nodes, it.maxid)
func (it *allIteratorNext) Next(ctx context.Context) bool {
      for ; it.i < len(all); it.i++ {
    p := all[it.i]
    if p.ID > it.maxid {
    if it.ok(p) {
      it.cur = p
      return true
func (it *allIteratorNext) Result() graph.Ref {
type allIteratorContains struct {
  qs    *QuadStore
  maxid int64 // id of last observed insert (prim id)
  nodes bool
  cur  *primitive
  done bool
func newAllIteratorContains(qs *QuadStore, nodes bool, maxid int64) *allIteratorContains {
func (it *allIteratorContains) ok(p *primitive) bool {
func (it *allIteratorContains) Contains(ctx context.Context, v graph.Ref) bool {
func (it *allIteratorContains) Result() graph.Ref {
func (it *allIteratorContains) NextPath(ctx context.Context) bool { return false }
本文由 Readfog 進行 AMP 轉碼,版權歸原作者所有。