casbin 源碼分析

Casbin 的工作原理

在 Casbin 中, 訪問控制模型被抽象爲基於 **PERM **(Policy, Effect, Request, Matcher) [策略,效果,請求,匹配器] 的一個文件。


Effect:定義組合了多個 Policy 之後的結果


Matcher:判斷 Request 是否滿足 Policy

首先會定義一堆 Policy,然後通過 Matcher 來判斷 Request 和 Policy 是否匹配,然後通過 Effect 來判斷匹配結果是 Allow 還是 Deny。

Model CONF 至少應包含四個部分: [request_definition], [policy_definition], [policy_effect], [matchers]。

如果 model 使用 RBAC, 還需要添加 [role_definition] 部分。

Model CONF 文件可以包含註釋。註釋以 # 開頭, # 會註釋該行剩餘部分。

request_definition:用於 request 的定義,它明確了 e.Enforce(...) 函數中參數的定義,sub, obj, act 表示經典三元組: 訪問實體 (Subject),訪問資源 (Object) 和訪問方法 (Action)。

policy_definition:用於 policy 的定義,每條規則通常以形如 p 的 policy type 開頭,比如 p,joker,data1,read 就是一條 joker 具有 data1 讀權限的規則。

role_definition:是 RBAC 角色繼承關係的定義。g 是一個 RBAC 系統,_, _表示角色繼承關係的前項和後項,即前項繼承後項角色的權限。

policy_effect:是對 policy 生效範圍的定義,它對 request 的決策結果進行統一的決策,比如 e = some(where (p.eft == allow)) 就表示如果存在任意一個決策結果爲 allow 的匹配規則,則最終決策結果爲 allow。p.eft 表示策略規則的決策結果,可以爲 allow 或者 deny,當不指定規則的決策結果時, 取默認值 allow 。


實例 1:

package main
import (
  xormadapter ""
  _ ""
func main() { // 要使用自己定義的數據庫rbac_db,最後的true很重要.默認爲false,使用缺省的數據庫名casbin,不存在則創建
  a := xormadapter.NewAdapter("mysql", "root:@tcp(", true)
  if a == nil {
    log.Printf("連接數據庫錯誤: %v", a)
  e := casbin.NewEnforcer("./exp1/rbac_models.conf", a)
  if e == nil {
    log.Printf("初始化casbin錯誤: %v", e)
  } //從DB加載策略 e.LoadPolicy()
  r := gin.New()
  r.POST("/api/v1/add", func(c *gin.Context) {
    if ok := e.AddPolicy("admin", "/api/v1/hello", "GET"); !ok {
    } else {
  }) //刪除policy
  r.DELETE("/api/v1/delete", func(c *gin.Context) {
    if ok := e.RemovePolicy("admin", "/api/v1/hello", "GET"); !ok {
    } else {
  r.GET("/api/v1/get", func(c *gin.Context) {
    list := e.GetPolicy()
    for _, vlist := range list {
      for _, v := range vlist {
        fmt.Printf("value: %s, ", v)
  r.Use(Authorize(e)) //創建請求
  r.GET("/api/v1/hello", func(c *gin.Context) {
    fmt.Println("Hello 接收到GET請求..")
  r.Run(":9000") //參數爲空 默認監聽8080端口
func Authorize(e *casbin.Enforcer) gin.HandlerFunc {
  return func(c *gin.Context) {
    obj := c.Request.URL.RequestURI()
    act := c.Request.Method
    sub := "admin"
    if ok := e.Enforce(sub, obj, act); ok {
    } else {
r = sub, obj, act
p = sub, obj, act
g = _, _
e = some(where (p.eft == allow))
m = g(r.sub, p.sub) && r.obj == p.obj && r.act == p.act

實例 2

package main
import (
type Person struct {
  Role string
  Name string
type Gate struct {
  Name string
type Env struct {
  Time     time.Time
  Location string
func (env *Env) IsSchooltime() bool {
  return env.Time.Hour() >= 8 && env.Time.Hour() <= 18
func TestTeacherEnterSchoolGate() {
  p1 := Person{Role: "Student", Name: "Yun"}
  p2 := Person{Role: "Teacher", Name: "Devin"}
  persons := []Person{p1, p2}
  g1 := Gate{Name: "School Gate"}
  g2 := Gate{Name: "Factory Gate"}
  gates := []Gate{g1, g2}
  const modelText = `
 r = sub, obj, act, env
 p = sub, obj,act
 e = some(where (p.eft == allow))
 m = r.sub.Role=='Teacher' && r.obj.Name=='School Gate' && r.act in('In','Out') && r.env.Time.Hour >7 && r.env.Time.Hour <= 18
  //m = r.sub.Role=='Teacher' && r.obj.Name=='School Gate' && r.act in('In','Out') && r.env.IsSchooltime()
  m := model.Model{}
  e := casbin.NewEnforcer(m)
  envs := []*Env{InitEnv(9), InitEnv(23)}
  for _, env := range envs {
    fmt.Println("\r\nTime:", env.Time.Local())
    for _, p := range persons {
      for _, g := range gates {
        pass := e.Enforce(p, g, "In", env)
        fmt.Println(p.Role, p.Name, "In", g.Name, pass)
        pass = e.Enforce(p, g, "Control", env)
        fmt.Println(p.Role, p.Name, "Control", g.Name, pass)
func InitEnv(hour int) *Env {
  env := &Env{}
  env.Time = time.Date(2019, 8, 20, hour, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
  return env
func main() {

通過上述兩個實例分析我們發現 casbin 的核心邏輯有下面幾步



3,初始化 enforcer


  a := xormadapter.NewAdapter("mysql", "root:@tcp(", true)
    e := casbin.NewEnforcer("./exp1/rbac_models.conf", a)
    if ok := e.AddPolicy("admin", "/api/v1/hello", "GET"); !ok {
    if ok := e.Enforce(sub, obj, act); ok {
  m := model.Model{}
    e := casbin.NewEnforcer(m)
    pass := e.Enforce(p, g, "In", env)


type Model map[string]AssertionMap
type AssertionMap map[string]*Assertion
// Assertion represents an expression in a section of the model.
// For example: r = sub, obj, act
type Assertion struct {
  Key    string
  Value  string
  Tokens []string
  Policy [][]string
  RM     rbac.RoleManager
// RoleManager provides interface to define the operations for managing roles.
type RoleManager interface {
  // Clear clears all stored data and resets the role manager to the initial state.
  Clear() error
  // AddLink adds the inheritance link between two roles. role: name1 and role: name2.
  // domain is a prefix to the roles (can be used for other purposes).
  AddLink(name1 string, name2 string, domain ...string) error
  // DeleteLink deletes the inheritance link between two roles. role: name1 and role: name2.
  // domain is a prefix to the roles (can be used for other purposes).
  DeleteLink(name1 string, name2 string, domain ...string) error
  // HasLink determines whether a link exists between two roles. role: name1 inherits role: name2.
  // domain is a prefix to the roles (can be used for other purposes).
  HasLink(name1 string, name2 string, domain ...string) (bool, error)
  // GetRoles gets the roles that a user inherits.
  // domain is a prefix to the roles (can be used for other purposes).
  GetRoles(name string, domain ...string) ([]string, error)
  // GetUsers gets the users that inherits a role.
  // domain is a prefix to the users (can be used for other purposes).
  GetUsers(name string, domain ...string) ([]string, error)
  // PrintRoles prints all the roles to log.
  PrintRoles() error


func (model Model) LoadModelFromText(text string) {
  cfg, err := config.NewConfigFromText(text)
  if err != nil {
  loadSection(model, cfg, "r")
  loadSection(model, cfg, "p")
  loadSection(model, cfg, "e")
  loadSection(model, cfg, "m")
  loadSection(model, cfg, "g")
// Config represents an implementation of the ConfigInterface
type Config struct {
  // map is not safe.
  // Section:key=value
  data map[string]map[string]string
// NewConfig create an empty configuration representation from file.
func NewConfig(confName string) (ConfigInterface, error) {
  c := &Config{
    data: make(map[string]map[string]string),
  err := c.parse(confName)
  return c, err
func (c *Config) parse(fname string) (err error) {
  f, err := os.Open(fname)
  if err != nil {
    return err
  defer c.Unlock()
  defer f.Close()
  buf := bufio.NewReader(f)
  return c.parseBuffer(buf)
func loadAssertion(model Model, cfg config.ConfigInterface, sec string, key string) bool {
  value := cfg.String(sectionNameMap[sec] + "::" + key)
  return model.AddDef(sec, key, value)
var sectionNameMap = map[string]string{
  "r": "request_definition",
  "p": "policy_definition",
  "g": "role_definition",
  "e": "policy_effect",
  "m": "matchers",
// AddDef adds an assertion to the model.
func (model Model) AddDef(sec string, key string, value string) bool {
  ast := Assertion{}
  ast.Key = key
  ast.Value = value
  if ast.Value == "" {
    return false
  if sec == "r" || sec == "p" {
    ast.Tokens = strings.Split(ast.Value, ", ")
    for i := range ast.Tokens {
      ast.Tokens[i] = key + "_" + ast.Tokens[i]
  } else {
    ast.Value = util.RemoveComments(util.EscapeAssertion(ast.Value))
  _, ok := model[sec]
  if !ok {
    model[sec] = make(AssertionMap)
  model[sec][key] = &ast
  return true

3,初始化 enforcer

// File:
// e := casbin.NewEnforcer("path/to/basic_model.conf", "path/to/basic_policy.csv")
// MySQL DB:
// a := mysqladapter.NewDBAdapter("mysql", "mysql_username:mysql_password@tcp(")
// e := casbin.NewEnforcer("path/to/basic_model.conf", a)
func NewEnforcer(params ...interface{}) *Enforcer {
  e := &Enforcer{}
    switch p1 := params[1].(type) {
    case string:
        e.InitWithFile(p0, p1)
        e.InitWithAdapter(p0, p1.(persist.Adapter))
// Enforcer is the main interface for authorization enforcement and policy management.
type Enforcer struct {
  modelPath string
  model     model.Model
  fm        model.FunctionMap
  eft       effect.Effector
  adapter persist.Adapter
  watcher persist.Watcher
  rm      rbac.RoleManager
  enabled            bool
  autoSave           bool
  autoBuildRoleLinks bool
type FunctionMap map[string]func(args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
// Effector is the interface for Casbin effectors.
type Effector interface {
  // MergeEffects merges all matching results collected by the enforcer into a single decision.
  MergeEffects(expr string, effects []Effect, results []float64) (bool, error)
// Adapter is the interface for Casbin adapters.
type Adapter interface {
  // LoadPolicy loads all policy rules from the storage.
  LoadPolicy(model model.Model) error
  // SavePolicy saves all policy rules to the storage.
  SavePolicy(model model.Model) error
  // AddPolicy adds a policy rule to the storage.
  // This is part of the Auto-Save feature.
  AddPolicy(sec string, ptype string, rule []string) error
  // RemovePolicy removes a policy rule from the storage.
  // This is part of the Auto-Save feature.
  RemovePolicy(sec string, ptype string, rule []string) error
  // RemoveFilteredPolicy removes policy rules that match the filter from the storage.
  // This is part of the Auto-Save feature.
  RemoveFilteredPolicy(sec string, ptype string, fieldIndex int, fieldValues ...string) error
// Watcher is the interface for Casbin watchers.
type Watcher interface {
  // SetUpdateCallback sets the callback function that the watcher will call
  // when the policy in DB has been changed by other instances.
  // A classic callback is Enforcer.LoadPolicy().
  SetUpdateCallback(func(string)) error
  // Update calls the update callback of other instances to synchronize their policy.
  // It is usually called after changing the policy in DB, like Enforcer.SavePolicy(),
  // Enforcer.AddPolicy(), Enforcer.RemovePolicy(), etc.
  Update() error
  // Close stops and releases the watcher, the callback function will not be called any more.
// RoleManager provides interface to define the operations for managing roles.
type RoleManager interface {
  // Clear clears all stored data and resets the role manager to the initial state.
  Clear() error
  // AddLink adds the inheritance link between two roles. role: name1 and role: name2.
  // domain is a prefix to the roles (can be used for other purposes).
  AddLink(name1 string, name2 string, domain ...string) error
  // DeleteLink deletes the inheritance link between two roles. role: name1 and role: name2.
  // domain is a prefix to the roles (can be used for other purposes).
  DeleteLink(name1 string, name2 string, domain ...string) error
  // HasLink determines whether a link exists between two roles. role: name1 inherits role: name2.
  // domain is a prefix to the roles (can be used for other purposes).
  HasLink(name1 string, name2 string, domain ...string) (bool, error)
  // GetRoles gets the roles that a user inherits.
  // domain is a prefix to the roles (can be used for other purposes).
  GetRoles(name string, domain ...string) ([]string, error)
  // GetUsers gets the users that inherits a role.
  // domain is a prefix to the users (can be used for other purposes).
  GetUsers(name string, domain ...string) ([]string, error)
  // PrintRoles prints all the roles to log.
  PrintRoles() error


// Enforce decides whether a "subject" can access a "object" with the operation "action", input parameters are usually: (sub, obj, act).
func (e *Enforcer) Enforce(rvals ...interface{}) bool {
  if !e.enabled {
    return true
  functions := make(map[string]govaluate.ExpressionFunction)
  for key, function := range {
    functions[key] = function
  if _, ok := e.model["g"]; ok {
    for key, ast := range e.model["g"] {
      rm := ast.RM
      functions[key] = util.GenerateGFunction(rm)
  expString := e.model["m"]["m"].Value
  expression, err := govaluate.NewEvaluableExpressionWithFunctions(expString, functions)
  if err != nil {
  rTokens := make(map[string]int, len(e.model["r"]["r"].Tokens))
  for i, token := range e.model["r"]["r"].Tokens {
    rTokens[token] = i
  pTokens := make(map[string]int, len(e.model["p"]["p"].Tokens))
  for i, token := range e.model["p"]["p"].Tokens {
    pTokens[token] = i
  parameters := enforceParameters{
    rTokens: rTokens,
    rVals:   rvals,
    pTokens: pTokens,
  var policyEffects []effect.Effect
  var matcherResults []float64
  if policyLen := len(e.model["p"]["p"].Policy); policyLen != 0 {
    policyEffects = make([]effect.Effect, policyLen)
    matcherResults = make([]float64, policyLen)
    if len(e.model["r"]["r"].Tokens) != len(rvals) {
          "Invalid Request Definition size: expected %d got %d rvals: %v",
    for i, pvals := range e.model["p"]["p"].Policy {
      // log.LogPrint("Policy Rule: ", pvals)
      if len(e.model["p"]["p"].Tokens) != len(pvals) {
            "Invalid Policy Rule size: expected %d got %d pvals: %v",
      parameters.pVals = pvals
      result, err := expression.Eval(parameters)
      // log.LogPrint("Result: ", result)
      if err != nil {
        policyEffects[i] = effect.Indeterminate
      switch result := result.(type) {
      case bool:
        if !result {
          policyEffects[i] = effect.Indeterminate
      case float64:
        if result == 0 {
          policyEffects[i] = effect.Indeterminate
        } else {
          matcherResults[i] = result
        panic(errors.New("matcher result should be bool, int or float"))
      if j, ok := parameters.pTokens["p_eft"]; ok {
        eft := parameters.pVals[j]
        if eft == "allow" {
          policyEffects[i] = effect.Allow
        } else if eft == "deny" {
          policyEffects[i] = effect.Deny
        } else {
          policyEffects[i] = effect.Indeterminate
      } else {
        policyEffects[i] = effect.Allow
      if e.model["e"]["e"].Value == "priority(p_eft) || deny" {
  } else {
    policyEffects = make([]effect.Effect, 1)
    matcherResults = make([]float64, 1)
    parameters.pVals = make([]string, len(parameters.pTokens))
    result, err := expression.Eval(parameters)
    // log.LogPrint("Result: ", result)
    if err != nil {
      policyEffects[0] = effect.Indeterminate
    if result.(bool) {
      policyEffects[0] = effect.Allow
    } else {
      policyEffects[0] = effect.Indeterminate
  // log.LogPrint("Rule Results: ", policyEffects)
  result, err := e.eft.MergeEffects(e.model["e"]["e"].Value, policyEffects, matcherResults)
  if err != nil {
  // Log request.
  if log.GetLogger().IsEnabled() {
    reqStr := "Request: "
    for i, rval := range rvals {
      if i != len(rvals)-1 {
        reqStr += fmt.Sprintf("%v, ", rval)
      } else {
        reqStr += fmt.Sprintf("%v", rval)
    reqStr += fmt.Sprintf(" ---> %t", result)
  return result
// GenerateGFunction is the factory method of the g(_, _) function.
func GenerateGFunction(rm rbac.RoleManager) func(args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
  return func(args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
    name1 := args[0].(string)
    name2 := args[1].(string)
    if rm == nil {
      return name1 == name2, nil
    } else if len(args) == 2 {
      res, _ := rm.HasLink(name1, name2)
      return res, nil
    } else {
      domain := args[2].(string)
      res, _ := rm.HasLink(name1, name2, domain)
      return res, nil


expression, err := govaluate.NewEvaluableExpressionWithFunctions(expString, functions)
type EvaluableExpression struct {
    Represents the query format used to output dates. Typically only used when creating SQL or Mongo queries from an expression.
    Defaults to the complete ISO8601 format, including nanoseconds.
  QueryDateFormat string
    Whether or not to safely check types when evaluating.
    If true, this library will return error messages when invalid types are used.
    If false, the library will panic when operators encounter types they can't use.
    This is exclusively for users who need to squeeze every ounce of speed out of the library as they can,
    and you should only set this to false if you know exactly what you're doing.
  ChecksTypes bool
  tokens           []ExpressionToken
  evaluationStages *evaluationStage
  inputExpression  string
func parseTokens(expression string, functions map[string]ExpressionFunction) ([]ExpressionToken, error) {
  var ret []ExpressionToken
  var token ExpressionToken
  var stream *lexerStream
  var state lexerState
  var err error
  var found bool
  stream = newLexerStream(expression)
  state = validLexerStates[0]
  for stream.canRead() {
    token, err, found = readToken(stream, state, functions)
    if err != nil {
      return ret, err
    if !found {
    state, err = getLexerStateForToken(token.Kind)
    if err != nil {
      return ret, err
    // append this valid token
    ret = append(ret, token)
  err = checkBalance(ret)
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err
  return ret, nil


| |____role_manager.go
| |____default-role-manager
| | |____role_manager.go
| | |____role_manager_test.go
| |____builtin_operators.go
| |____builtin_operators_test.go
| |____util_test.go
| |____util.go
| |____testdata
| | |____testini.ini
| |____config.go
| |____config_test.go
| |____effector.go
| |____default_effector.go
| |____rbac_policy.csv
| |____rbac_with_hierarchy_policy.csv
| |____keymatch2_policy.csv
| |____basic_without_resources_policy.csv
| |____basic_with_root_model.conf
| |____ipmatch_model.conf
| |____basic_inverse_policy.csv
| |____rbac_with_domains_model.conf
| |____priority_indeterminate_policy.csv
| |____keymatch_custom_model.conf
| |____rbac_with_resource_roles_policy.csv
| |____rbac_with_deny_policy.csv
| |____abac_model.conf
| |____basic_without_users_model.conf
| |____rbac_with_hierarchy_with_domains_policy.csv
| |____keymatch_policy.csv
| |____priority_model.conf
| |____rbac_with_pattern_model.conf
| |____rbac_with_not_deny_model.conf
| |____basic_model.conf
| |____keymatch2_model.conf
| |____basic_without_resources_model.conf
| |____rbac_model_in_multi_line.conf
| |____rbac_model.conf
| |____ipmatch_policy.csv
| |____rbac_with_resource_roles_model.conf
| |____rbac_with_deny_model.conf
| |____rbac_with_domains_policy.csv
| |____error
| | |____error_policy.csv
| | |____error_model.conf
| |____rbac_with_pattern_policy.csv
| |____priority_policy.csv
| |____basic_policy.csv
| |____basic_without_users_policy.csv
| |____rbac_model_matcher_using_in_op.conf
| |____keymatch_model.conf
| |____FUNDING.yml
| |____model_test.go
| |____assertion.go
| |____policy.go
| |____model.go
| |____function.go
| |____logger.go
| |____log_util.go
| |____default_logger.go
| |____log_util_test.go
| |____rbac_errors.go
| |____file-adapter
| | |____adapter.go
| | |____adapter_mock.go
| | |____adapter_filtered.go
| |____adapter.go
| |____persist_test.go
| |____adapter_filtered.go
| |____watcher.go
本文由 Readfog 進行 AMP 轉碼,版權歸原作者所有。